Church Wisdom
Church History
A few people have asked, over the years, how the Church got its name. Here is an explanation:
One day I was paddling on my local lake. It was my kayak-crazy year (my first year of paddling). A young man was paddling a canoe towards me, swinging the bow wildly back and forth and struggling. As he neared me, I said, "You should join the Church of the Double-Bladed Paddle." I don't know where the words came from, besides my smart mouth. But it seemed so right, an epiphany, really. I did teach the young man the j-stroke before I paddled off, thinking about religion.
A few years later, our Reverend Mother Bear, Camas, would wake up on Sunday and her husband would ask her when and where we were going to Church. The name stuck. I started the facebook group a few years later. It grew, I think, because many people, when they hear the name of the group, understand it instantly and know they've found their congregation at last.
I'm glad, at last, to have a forum outside of facebook. :D Hope to see my Church friends here too.
A few people have asked, over the years, how the Church got its name. Here is an explanation:
One day I was paddling on my local lake. It was my kayak-crazy year (my first year of paddling). A young man was paddling a canoe towards me, swinging the bow wildly back and forth and struggling. As he neared me, I said, "You should join the Church of the Double-Bladed Paddle." I don't know where the words came from, besides my smart mouth. But it seemed so right, an epiphany, really. I did teach the young man the j-stroke before I paddled off, thinking about religion.
A few years later, our Reverend Mother Bear, Camas, would wake up on Sunday and her husband would ask her when and where we were going to Church. The name stuck. I started the facebook group a few years later. It grew, I think, because many people, when they hear the name of the group, understand it instantly and know they've found their congregation at last.
I'm glad, at last, to have a forum outside of facebook. :D Hope to see my Church friends here too.
Things Paddler's Say.... A Wet Glossary
TTBU - Time to boat up!
BUB - Boat up, Bitches! (Poutine is responsible for this one).
NTBU - Need to boat up!
SYOTW - See you on the water
Oh Shi*t - Dam, alligator, snake, waterfall, another boat(BIG), lost cooler, lost paddle, dropped phone etc....
TMAR- throw me a rope- Ali
CSL10- car shuttle leaving 10 mins
ABR- At boat ramp
CLOW-car loaded on way
MOPIAD - My other purse is a drybag.
SYOTR - See you on the river
WAYK? Where are your keys? to shuttle buddy.
NTLTP... no time like the present.
N2RTA......Now to Remember Them All
OOKE ... Out-of-kayak-experience
TFAD... Time for a dip
TGIF...Tandems go in first
PYSO...Pop your skirt off (just hate saying this to guys! )
OBE...Out of Boat Experience
AHTP..... All Hale The Paddimal*
*I prefer All Hail the Paddle myself (the Paddimal)
OOKE- Camas Kakuk coined the phrase, Out-of-Kayak-Experience, many years ago. As soon as she warmed up.
Padvangelical - The act of converting non-paddlers to the worship of The Wet.
Boat-somnia - The condition where you're up early or late looking at boats on craigslist because you can't sleep.
TTBU - Time to boat up!
BUB - Boat up, Bitches! (Poutine is responsible for this one).
NTBU - Need to boat up!
SYOTW - See you on the water
Oh Shi*t - Dam, alligator, snake, waterfall, another boat(BIG), lost cooler, lost paddle, dropped phone etc....
TMAR- throw me a rope- Ali
CSL10- car shuttle leaving 10 mins
ABR- At boat ramp
CLOW-car loaded on way
MOPIAD - My other purse is a drybag.
SYOTR - See you on the river
WAYK? Where are your keys? to shuttle buddy.
NTLTP... no time like the present.
N2RTA......Now to Remember Them All
OOKE ... Out-of-kayak-experience
TFAD... Time for a dip
TGIF...Tandems go in first
PYSO...Pop your skirt off (just hate saying this to guys! )
OBE...Out of Boat Experience
AHTP..... All Hale The Paddimal*
*I prefer All Hail the Paddle myself (the Paddimal)
OOKE- Camas Kakuk coined the phrase, Out-of-Kayak-Experience, many years ago. As soon as she warmed up.
Padvangelical - The act of converting non-paddlers to the worship of The Wet.
Boat-somnia - The condition where you're up early or late looking at boats on craigslist because you can't sleep.